Hand Writing

Hand Writing

Handwriting has an impact in one’s personal life as it develops many aspects of human behaviour. To have good handwriting the child should be made conscious from the beginning. There are certain rules for maintaining a good handwriting. Our professionally curated and customized handwriting training sessions can meet the varied writing styles of the kids with the help of different grip tools and methodologies.

We teach the student as “HOW” to write, sit, hold a pencil or a pen and create and join the fonts. We encourage the student to concentrate on each letter, as each alphabet has its own unique speciality. It gives pleasure to view good handwriting to any viewer. This can be obtained only with good alignment. Proper concentration and practice are the two key things to obtain good handwriting

The handwriting Improvement program enables development of lifetime skills, which builds a solid foundation for the student. Success can be achieved through step by step guidance and motivational teaching methods. All this results in a child gaining self- confidence and becoming self-reliant.

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